Environmental Society Event:
During the lockdown, I hosted and organized a virtual showing of the University's first TEDx event, supporting the COUNTDOWN initiative organized by the TED community. Countdown is a global initiative to champion and accelerate solutions to the climate crisis, turning ideas into action.
Three female architects and designers formed an original talk to perform during the event in order to showcase local, innovative approaches towards addressing climate change and supporting the movement to more sustainable ways. These talks were combined with TED talks provided by Countdown from speakers such as Johan Rockstrom, Rebecca Henderson, Prince William, Lindsay Levin, and Chris Anderson.

Above are the three innovative women who share their original messages on how they have taken personal and professional steps to help fight the climate crisis.
I was able to give an introductory talk for the TEDx event, shown below. For copyright issues, no other videos or recordings from the TEDx event can be uploaded anywhere except the TEDx site.
Introduction message to TEDxUniversityofWestminster by Grace Lancto.